Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Long Weekend!

We will be drawing for a prize on Tuesday of all the names of people who post a comment on our blog over the weekend. Leave us a comment about why you love to scrapbook. And don't forget to follow along with Laurel in her photo a day challenge for August. She will be posting challenges in our forum.

Have a fantastic long weekend!


Sunny Lynn said...

I LOVE scrappin' because...each page is a single canvas to create a masterpiece of that moment!

Anonymous said...

I love scrapbooking because it gives me time to do something for myself, but also create memories for my children when they grow up. I also feel it helps to keep my creative juices flowing.

Janet said...

I actually don't scrapbook too much--but I do Love to make cards--it's so relaxing and I love seeing the combinations I come up with.

Steph Ackerman said...

I love scrapping because it is my creative outlet. Plus I want my son to visually remember his growing up years. I have few pictures of us growing up and I miss that. That will not happen for my son, no matter how much he hates the camera.

The Selman's said...

I love scrapbooking becuase it is all about me! It totally keeps me sane some days!

Marla said...

I love the "me" time that it give me and the stories and detail of life that I can share and record for my family. I love it when my kids will ask me to scrapbook some pictures that are special for them and how they are so excited to look at the albums. And I LOVE playing with new products!