Monday, January 26, 2009

Let me wax poetic for a bit... I made some interesting connections this week. Well, I found them interesting - maybe you will as well. I have spent a lot of time over the last while looking at creative blogs. Looking for inspiration, sharing inspiration, seeing what I think works or doesn't. And I realized a couple of cool things. The first was that there is an incredible community of Creatives that all link together in various ways. It's like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon. As I search, I wind up circling back to some familiar names or places. But never in quite the same way.
More interestingly, I have noticed a connection between Creatives and their tendancies. The more blogs I read and the more I chatted with people it came out that the majority of us seem to have issues with clutter, mess,organization,chaos and general pack-rattiness. As I thought back about my own life and process, I realized that every time I have tried to REALLY get my organization under control, I wind up blocking myself creatively. Anytime that I am really stuck in to heavy production mode and have to switch in to creativity, I fight it and really have a hard time getting in to that head space. For me, my juices flow when I'm not concentrating on what needs to get done. If I can have a couple of days with no expectations, then watch out! Because I can really get my teeth in to a challenge that I have been struggling with.
So while the mess and chaos in my house really bothers me, I am trying to see it as a sign that I am in a place of creative abundance and that I should give myself permission to embrace it in order to really see what is possible. A few dishes really don't matter in the long term. But my sanity may just get the break that it needs!
Let me know what you think - I'm curious as to how widespread this is!

Ciao babies,

1 comment:

Kerri said...

I would have to say that was the perfect time for that post. As I was rushing out the door yesterday to get my DD to ballet I was overwhelmed with the tasks left for me when I returned. I had been scrapbooking during the day and had left a mess on my table which ALWAYS happens when I am creating... I am a recovering packrat and I feel that my life is pretty chaotic at times but only now can I justify it with you can not be creative on a schedule. Thanks for the insight and company in knowing I'm not alone! :)